Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Summer, Where Are You?

Okay, so I'm pretty sure that if there were an award for the worst blogger ever, it would go to me.  These past few weeks have been filled with crazy, and it's still only the start of the semester so yay for extreme busyness until May!

When I tell my mom I haven't had time to take my daily afternoon nap because school is literally taking over my life, she thinks she will make me feel better by telling me "no naps" is just preparing me for "real life".  Great.  One thing I'm majorly going to miss about college. Naps.  But thanks for the pep talk, Mom.
Is this really what "real life"..."after college life" is going to be like?? Where waking up early never gets easier and I have to write in my planner to make sure I paint my nails for the weekend or else it won't get done? Can I just be a kid again?

If I take away just how busy my life currently is, it really is so wonderful! I've had some good times with great friends and a teensy bit of downtime (got to get my Pinterest fix in, y'all)  But also, if I were being completely honest (and I am), student teaching can be super overwhelming, but then one of the kids says the cutest, most hilarious thing I've ever heard in my life and I forget that overwhelmed feeling.. for just a second.

I'll (hopefully) have posts on how student teaching is going and some activities we've done in the classroom.  I won't be able to post pictures of the kiddos, but if you can imagine what the cutest kids look like, it's them.

And because a blog post just wouldn't be a blog post without a picture, here's something I am continually reminding myself of.  Grace not perfection.


Happy Tuesday, lovelies!



  1. OMG I love this!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, needed to read it. xo

    1. Ahh so happy about that! I'm so glad! Enjoy the rest of your week :)

  2. Love Emily Ley and the whole idea of Grace Not Perfection almost as much as I hate the idea of life without naps... If it makes you feel any better, I can't tell you how many times I've written "paint nails" in my agenda :)

    1. It sure does! Glad I'm not the only one who has to do that!! haha Have a great day!!

  3. If it makes you feel better...I have to write in my planner to shave my legs or else I won't have time. Probably TMI, but you're my blog BFF so you'll get over it! Try to find some time to relax, sweet friend! And no naps sounds like hell. Praying for you! It's worth it in the end. xo

    1. Hahaha and that's why you're my blog BFF...you keep it real! Thank you for the kind words and prayers!!
